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Here you'll find our best deals on the Gadgets products. Items in the Outlet are Final Sale.


*所有【OUTLET SALE】產品保養期為三個月;而「陳列品」將不設保養。

*All【OUTLET SALE】products have 3-month warranty. "Demo Products" have no warranty.

藍牙喇叭 Bluetooth Speaker

耳機 Earphones

鬚刨 (Shaver)

穿戴式空氣清淨機 Wearable Air Purifier

ible Airvida M1 首創以配搭鈦頸鏈的穿戴式空氣清淨機,在潔淨空氣同時亦能舒緩肌肉繃緊,提升生活質素。Airvida M1讓你隨時隨地擁有相等於60倍自然森林所產生的負離子量,所釋放的負離子可快速將臉部週圍的懸浮粒子,能有效去除空氣中懸浮的PM2.5 (除去率達99.9%),以及過敏原如花粉,清新吸入的空氣,有效舒緩呼吸道的不適,可減少二手煙、寵物毛屑、灰塵與細菌的不適。


Airvida M1所配搭的可促進血液循環的鈦頸鏈,其遠紅外線量超過86.4%,能有效加速人體血液循環,改善新陳代謝,能促進身體活性。而遠紅外線是一種太陽光電磁波,其波長範圍為3~1000μm,遠紅外線放射率超過百分之八十,即可以促進人體血液循環。


ible Airvida M1 is the smallest but powerful wearable air purifier in the world. It’s only 20g and perfectly fits your daily clothing with titanium necklace or collar clip. Putting on its charging dock, Airvida M1 can become an elegant desktop air purifier.


Airvida M1 constantly creates 1,230,000 negative ions/cm3, 60 times more than natural forest ion concentration, to purify PM2.5, pollen, and smoke all around.